Mega Power Star Ram Charan, Priyanka Chopra’s Zanjeer directed by Apurva Lakhia is all set for grand release on Sep 6th. The film stars Priyanka Chopra, Mahie Gill and Sanjay Dutt. Film's Telugu version Toofan celebrated its audio launch in a spectacular manner in the presence of top Tollywood and Bollywood celebrities. Last us see what impact music tinted by Anu Malik,Chirantan Bhatt,Meet Brothers, Devi Sri Prasad created on music lovers.
Audio Tracks
Song Mumbai Ke Hero....
Singers-Jaspreet, Roshini Bhagat Ram Charan
The song became a hit the moment filmmakers released the promo. Jaspreet Jaaz's voice and catchy beats captures the attention of all. The film highlights the character of hero who is out to seek revenge. Roshini's voice adds variety to the song. Mix of Rap and Hip Hop worked out wonders for the song. Ram Charan's voice at the beginning drives mega fans crazy.
Song: Pinkie
Singers-Mamta Sharma
Pinki turned out to be a hit number ever since Priyanka Chopra shot for the song. The song is loaded with marathi beats keeping in view the pan Indian reach of the film. Mamta Sharma's voice and novel beats attracts music lovers. This suits the film as it is shot in Mumbai backdrop.
Song :Preminchaa
Singers-Sriramachandra, Shalmali Kholgade
A smoothing melody song which will instantly connect to the lovers and the people who are fall in love. Sriramachandra, Shalmali Kholgade did full justice to the song. Their voice takes people to another world. Foot tapping beats in the melody is something new experience to music lovers.
Song : Vechchanaina
Singers-Shwetha Pandit
Shwetha Pandit's voice takes people into a trance. The tune has distinct Bollywood beats of 1980s. Disco beats makes the song and the tune unique. The tune has melody and Shwetha's voice makes it racy.
Song: Shakila Centu
Singers-Shreya Ghosal
This is a mass number made beautiful by the husky voice of Shreya Ghoshal. The beats are foot tapping. Masses all instantly fall in love with the song.
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